Checklist for Reopening Your Workplace
Cleaning, Disinfecting and Supplies
Ensure cleaning is undertaken according to current CDC recommendations
Require employees to take personal responsibility for sanitization
Communicate and enforce cleaning protocols for common areas, personal workspaces, tools, and equipment
Train cleaning staff per disinfecting guidelines
Determine areas that require thorough cleaning due to heavy usage
Review and maintain adequate stock of cleaning products and equipment
Worker Safety
Maintain a sufficient inventory of all PPE supplies
Establish PPE expectations, availability and placement around offices
Ensure disposal receptacles for waste (gloves, masks, towels)
Add sneeze guards, screens, face shields, other shielding devices where appropriate
Outfit sanitizing/washing stations properly with use signage
Building Systems
Place air filtration systems in strategic places
Internal communications to staff to educate and train on new policies, procedures and protocols
External communications regarding preferred engagement moving forward (communication
with Guernsey drivers and Account Managers)
New Policies, Practices, and Social Distancing
Create a written social distancing plan that evaluates employees’ positioning of work locations and uses of common areas
Signages to remind employees to maintain distance and routing
Products to Help Prepare for Reopening
Social Distance Safety Message Mats
Effective communication tool for the precautions we all must follow. Mats provide a safe, slip-resistant walking and standing surfaces.
Wrapped Utensils
Use cutlery that are individually wrapped to avoid contamination.
Air Purifiers
Consider a purification system similar to those used in hospitals to effectively reduce the presence of airborne germs, allergens and odors in the office environment.
Countertop Barriers
Invest in safety barriers that provide physical separation to help maintain social distance and offer a durable, clear view and flexible design for a variety of uses.
Disinfectant Wipes
Stock up on disinfectant wipes that clean, disinfect, and deodorize. Be sure your brand meets the EPA's criteria for use against SARS-COV-2.
PPE, Sanitizer and Disinfectants
Prepare your storage cabinet with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) items such as masks and gloves, hand sanitizer and disinfectants.