Some business owners might say their schedule is demanding enough, and the thought of adding one more activity to their busy calendar is unbearable.
So why should they try to cram time into their already hectic schedules to join and actively participate in their local chamber of commerce? Because membership in the Greater Waynesboro Chamber of Commerce offers numerous benefits and keeps business owners on top of important, ever-changing issues and trends within their community and local marketplace.
Not only that, but research points out that consumers are more likely to do business with a company if it’s a member of their local chamber of commerce.
Membership Benefits
Window decal and wall plaque as a badge of your credibility
Save your business money with Chamber Electric Programs and Earn dividends for Liability Insurance participation
Expand your network and make new contacts
Display area at our office for marketing materials and business cards
Gain visibility to the community with our weekly Chamber Chat and social media posts
Free radio interview with FM Station 103.7, a $500 value for small business owners!
Two Free Weeks of Advertising on
Free Month of Radio Advertising with Verstandig Media: 104.7 WAYZ, 101.5 WBHB, 92.1 WIKG, and 100.9 The Line/1380 WLIN
Free NEW MEMBER ribbon cutting
Chamber Card offer
Free Job Board postings
Many low-cost marketing opportunities at our signature events
Free categorical and alphabetical listings in our Annual Welcome Guide and Chamber Directory
Have your voice heard in important legislative issues that affect your business
Receive personal referral when calls come into the Chamber Office
Our 100% continued support in helping you grow your business
Marketing Opportunities
The Welcome Guide and Chamber Directory
This 115+ page, full-color, spiral bound publication is distributed throughout the area to Chamber members, hotels, new businesses, Realtors, and at various locations. Ads are available in the directory, which is published both in print and on our Online Banner Ads and Home Page Slideshow
Receiving more than 1,000 visits in a 30 day period, advertising on our website a great way to reach a new audience without breaking your budget. Various plan are available – from monthly to multi-monthly advertising price breaks.Weekly Chamber Chats
This is a free, weekly service to our members providing the opportunity to announce staff changes and promotions, as well as events and fundraisers.Scheduled Eblasts
For $100, you can purchase an eblast that delivers to our entire mailing list of over 1,200 subscribers. You provide the artwork and pick the date, and we hit send!Chamber Mixers, TGIF Breakfasts, Lunch and Learns, and Seminars
We have a broad variety of monthly events that provide you an opportunity to host, share knowledge, and help educate your fellow Chamber members. We meet in businesses around town and in our fully equipped Nickson W. Oyer Conference and Board rooms.The Annual Golf Scramble
This well-attended, annual summer event provides 20+ areas of sponsorships – from tees and golf carts, to food and drinks! Reaching an average of 100 golfers, this is a unique opportunity to place your brand in front of our members and their guests, volunteers and Country Club staff.Chamber Awards Breakfast
This event brings together our Chamber members to celebrate our Annual Award Winners. Business awards are presented in various categories, and many handshakes are shared – a networking event you won’t want to miss!
The South Central Women in Business Conference
This annual event happens in the fall each year and offers an opportunity for women to take a full day to Recharge, Connect, Empower and Inspire. You will have the opportunity to hear thought provoking general sessions and participate in unparalleled workshops and network with community leaders. A variety of topics are offered, designed to help you achieve new levels of success.
The Annual Greater Waynesboro Chamber of Commerce Business EXPO
Place your brand literally in front of nearly 1,000 people at this event in February, which coincides with the Lions Club Pancake Breakfast. Vendors, Non Profits and Businesses promote themselves in the halls of the Waynesboro Senior Area High School. This is a great way to share promotionals and shake hands with the entire Waynesboro community.Nite at the Races
This well-attended, annual March event provides 119 areas of sponsorships – from hat contests and prize tables, to food and drinks and horse race sponsors – plus program advertising! Reaching an average of 250 attendees, this is a fun opportunity to place your brand in front of our members and their guests.